This project was done as a collaboration with me fellow student Jacob Cassell. The goal of this game was an homage to our journey thorough our major and a love letter to the people who helped us through our journey as we are both graduating. Also given the circumstances of the shelter in place and the shift to online classes we wanted to bring back this feeling of togetherness that we’ve all been missing. You play as a new student entering the DMA department and taking intro class. You go through and meet some of the different people that have been important to us through this experience. The way to get the good ending in this game is to make as many friends and connections as you can in order to thrive in the program. The general message of the game was that if you just try to make it through the program you won’t get much out of it, its important to make connections in order to fully utilize your time in the program. For us it was a time to reflect on how we were as newcomers to this school, the thoughts and feelings we had at the time as well as what it was like to meet all these amazing people. As our time here comes to an end in an unceremonious fashion, we felt as though it was important to deal with this in a way that provided players an insight as to what made this time so special for us.

Link to Game

Visual Novel
