Eric LaMothe Artist Bio


Eric LaMothe is an artist based out of San Jose. He grew up in the city of Concord located in the Bay Area. Currently he is a student artist, earning his education at San Jose State University and will be graduating in the Spring of 2020. His work often involves exploring the surreal and the absurd, stretching perceptions of an image and reevaluating its form. The work comes from a personal place and seeks to understand how humans associate subject matter. Using 3D modeling and experimental video techniques, Eric is looking to question common perceptions and aims to discover how re-contextualizing image changes the basis of a persons view of it.

Artist statement

My practice involves utilizing the versatility of the digital medium and creating something new and interesting. An infinite amount of possibilities has been opened to artists with the techniques that have been pioneered by the current exponential advancement in technology and I want to exploit that in my art with my own style. I have used animation, photo manipulation, and recording software to achieve certain artistic goals that fall under the umbrella of unusual. Video recording is also a very prominent process in my works, trying to film interesting subject matter and get inspired to take different kinds of shots. My creative process is more about sudden inspiration rather than a well thought out process, but focus comes from the desire to create new things and that allows me to create with goals in mind.

The key to really being able to take advantage of the current era is accumulating the requisite knowledge that allows me to manipulate whichever digital medium I decide to use. Being able to adapt and do new, different things will allow me to realize the visions that I have. I think art is all about putting what’s inside a person’s mind and putting it in a viewable (or listenable) space that other people can interpret for themselves and try to understand. I don’t really have a goal in mind of how I want people to react to my art because really that’s up to them and I don’t want to dictate their feelings, there isn’t anything in it for me if I’m controlling their reaction. I just want people to see what I see, then react to it in a unique way.